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Feasibility Study for Hotel Project

Feasibility Study for Hotel Project

Feasibility study for hotel project at LAX in Los Angeles, including market analysis, a relative order-of-magnitude (“ROM”) capital budget, facilities recommendations, and financial projections.   Our financial projections included several scenarios to estimate varying potential operating results depending upon the build-out and facilities enhancement program at Los Angeles International Airport.


As hotel development consultants we provided a project feasibility report, including market analysis with financial projections, facility recommendations, and hotel franchise affiliation recommendations, for this (then) planned commercial hotel situated along Century Boulevard at the Los Angeles International (LAX) Airport.


The facility was eventually designed for 747 guest rooms within a 12-floor building envelope.  An interesting aspect of the hotel feasibility analysis was identifying the facilities and amenities to attract business travelers to stay in the airport area rather than the extensive overnight accommodations available throughout Los Angeles.


Our work was prepared for Watt High-Rise, Inc., then an operating division of the Watt Companies. Inc.  headquartered in Santa Monica, California.   Watt Companies has developed a diversified portfolio of real estate properties, including commercial real estate, hotels, and master-planned communities.


The property opened as a Stouffer Hotel and was later re-flagged as The Westin Los Angeles Airport.   Our work as development feasibility consultants in preparing the project feasibility study for this hotel project, was completed prior to the branding change from Stouffer branding to Westin.

Owner Representation Consultants - For MGC Commercial, an example of our expert witness and litigation support work

MDR Portfolio Redevelopment

Newfield Enterprises International / Real Property Management, Inc.  |  Redevelopment program for portfolio of leasehold properties in Marina del Rey, California.   The multi-property plan was processed to secure California Coastal Commission approval, prior to final ground lease extensions with the County of Los Angeles.   The lessee’s portfolio was the largest among County lessee’s at Marina del Rey.


Mixed-Use Redevelopment Entitlement and Permits

Mixed-Use Redevelopment Entitlement and Permits

Mixed-use redevelopment entitlement and permits support to client project developed at Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica.   The assignment also involved feasibility-related analysis related to the project, given its location within a then transitional retail-entertainment district of Santa Monica.


This project by the Janss Investment Corp. (Thousand Oaks, California) pioneered the redevelopment of the old Santa Monica Mall into what is now known as Third Street Promenade.  The seven-story, 138,000 SF building at 3rd and Broadway was redeveloped with office space, 32 apartments, parking, and a restaurant operated by a well-known local chef.  The project also included a four-screen Cineplex Odeon theater, which has since been rebranded with a new cinema operator.   The theater façade’s was integrated into the mixed-use redevelopment project.


The Janss Investment Corp. was one of the storied real estate development firms of Southern California, first established by Dr. Peter Janss and his sons well over a century ago.  During the 1920’s the closely-held family investment firm donated 100 acres land on in West Los Angeles for the establishment of UCLA.   Among so many developments accomplished by Janss Corp., the company developed ski resorts in Sun Valley (Idaho) and Aspen (Colorado), the planned community of Thousand Oaks, California, and a myriad of housing and commercial projects throughout Southern California.


This real estate advisory involvement providing mixed-use redevelopment entitlement and permits support was an assignment of StoneCreek Partners’ co-founder while a principal with predecessor consulting and land planning design firm, Phillips Brandt Reddick (Irvine, California).

Project feasibility consultants for office and industrial

Feasibility Study for Mixed-Use Project

Feasibility study for mixed-use project, proposed for development in San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, California.  Work was prepared for Brookfield Development Inc.


Report including market support analysis, tenant leasing market conditions, tenanting prospects, tenant space bond yields,  construction cost estimates, and projections of property operating results (EBITDA).


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