StoneCreek Partners acts as economic development consultants and planners for public sector clients seeking community and regional economic development planning. At times, we provide this same support to major landowners interested in a realistic strategic economic foundation to their large-scale master-planning. Sometimes , a major landowner is also a public client such as a sovereign tribal nation or government unit with surplus property.
Our work is not theoretical or policy related as is common at the state and national government level. We focus at the local and regional government level on the realistic possibilities for encouraging real economic development.
Economic development analysis begins with a review of the current situation, and issues. One of the initial steps is to explore a client’s inventory of assets – real property, workforce, existing industries, and local cultural sensibilities. Based upon these existing assets, the potential for economic development then depends on incentives, inducements, and collaborations, to pull a community (or organization’s) assets into position to take advantage of local and regional economic trends.
As a process, economic development is about the enhancement of economic activity in a community. Conversely, the term “economic growth” is generally a short run concept while economic development is a long term commitment.

Economic development planning is best organized as an iterative process.