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Southern California Gas Co. Site – Project Feasibility

Pacific Lighting   |   Market and financial feasibility analysis to support repurposing of historically-significant corporate property in downtown Los Angeles.  Highest and best use study, including business plan, market and financial analysis, and overall highest and best use evaluation for major facility site owned by Southern California Gas Co. in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, California.



Owner Representation Consultants - For MGC Commercial, an example of our expert witness and litigation support work

MDR Portfolio Redevelopment

Newfield Enterprises International / Real Property Management, Inc.  |  Redevelopment program for portfolio of leasehold properties in Marina del Rey, California.   The multi-property plan was processed to secure California Coastal Commission approval, prior to final ground lease extensions with the County of Los Angeles.   The lessee’s portfolio was the largest among County lessee’s at Marina del Rey.


Real Estate Project Consultants for School District

San Diego Unified School District  |  Assistance to administrators of the school district in pursuing a surplus schools disposition program.   The San Diego Unified School District held a portfolio of surplus school facility assets, and was interested in regularizing a negotiated disposition process.   A “request for proposals,” or RFP, process was recommended, along with methods for generating interest in the portfolio of surplus district assets, methods for pre-qualifying interested third-parties, and a process and approach to ranking proposed business deals submitted by investors and real estate developers.


One of the largest school districts in the U.S., San Diego City Schools serve more than 134,000 students. In operations since 1854 the district has grown from a small, rented school building with one teacher to more than 200 educational facilities with 14,500 full-time equivalent staff positions. This seventh largest urban district in the United States is extremely diverse – including more than 15 ethnic groups and dozens of languages and dialects.   Work completed by an SCP principal while with predecessor firm.


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